Getting a HashMismatchException


Hi. I am getting a when I call Paynow.pollTransaction(pollUrl) method in android. I am wondering what I did wrong because all the other transactions went through using that same code. I would like to know what causes the error.

Thats the stake trace


Polling using the pollUrl does not require you to send a Hash. The error is likely happening when you instantiate “mPaynow” (code not shown ). The basic trouble shooting method is make sure you pasted the correct credentials without spaces , more detailed method can be found here

You have not made a successful request and so can not have received a response with a poll url (you can read more here


i had the same error turns out i was passing an empty string as an integration key. Seems the SDK uses the integration key when creating the hash. so try to check if you are passing the correct parameters when creating the paynow instance.