Codeigniter Paynow intergration


hi guys

I am kindly needing assistance in integrating pay now with Codeigniter to make mobile payment.
i am new to this php framework


You can use the PHP SDK for Paynow to use Paynow with CodeIgniter. Check out this section of the documentation for more details:


Thank you …but the confusion is here ( require_once ‘path/to/vendor/autoload.php’:wink: how to use it with codeigniter


hi @KudaMk you can install Paynow with composer require paynow/php-sdk then in you PHP file use it the same way you would you any other package e.g:

use Paynow\Payments\Paynow;
$paynow = new Paynow(...);.


mmm ok Thanks Adrian


replace path with the path where you htdocs are found