Ecocash intergration receiving status Error on send_mobile


i had my code working until now , but changed nothing , whats happenningis , when i send_mobile using th paynow module

send_mobile(self.payment, self.mobileNumber,self.paymentChannel)

it excutes without any errors but paynow is returning me a mobile Request object with status:error , thatrs it it gives me no more detail

my system is a web application using Flask , coding language is python 3.11.9

any help will be much appreciated


above thats the send_mobile request object that i send to paynow


Good day Asha

Please share the error coming from Paynow so that I can assist better

To view the error from Paynow on Initiate Transaction


Also Make sure you are using the latest Paynow SDK , run the command below to update your paynow package

pip install paynow -upgrade