Error response status when trying to test new account that is not yet set to live


I created a new account on paynow and set everything up. I got the integration key and ID. The problem comes when I try to send test transaction, I am just getting error when I print response to the console. Please note that the other account that I have with paynow that has been set live is working fine if I swap integration key and ID using same python code.

Is it the paynow account with a problem or sending test transactions as required before going live is actually a challenge using mobile_payment?

Kindly assist


Hi Gift

What is the error you are receiving?


Hie James, the following code is returnng error in test mode

        paynow = Paynow(
        'MY ID',
        'MY KEY,

    # Create new payment and pass in the reference and payer's email address
    payment = paynow.create_payment('Order', 'email of the paynow account')

    # Passing in the name of the item and the price of the item
    payment.add('Policy', 8000)

    # Save the response from paynow in a variable
    response = paynow.send_mobile(payment, '0771111111', 'ecocash')

    if response.success:
        poll_url = response.poll_url

        print("Poll Url: ", poll_url)

        status = paynow.check_transaction_status(poll_url)
        print("Payment Status: ", status.status)


Hi @giftmarimo

Is the error coming from Paynow over the API or is it a runtime error in your application?
Please can you also share the error message? That way perhaps others can also assist if they have had a similar error before.