Get additionalinfo on my webhook (result url)


I have initiated a payment using Pay Now API passing the following parameters

but on my webhook I am not getting the additionalinfo data as you can see in the following image


in addition I have tried to get the additionalinfo data using the poll url, but not luck.

so my question is: how can I get additionalinfo data on my webhook? any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance


Hi Ashley,

Here is the data that Paynow sends to your result URL. It does not include additional data. That field is for additional data that will be shown to the user if they are redirected to Paynow.

To identify your transaction when Paynow sends an update, I recommend including an ID or other important identifiers as query parameters or URL path parameters in your result URL. For example:

You can pass important information in your result URL as shown above. Alternatively, you can use a reference number that corresponds to your local database reference.