We kindly need to understand what parameters you send exactly to the result url and in which order in order to validate the hash correctly.
Let’s take particulary the payment with reference (85d113c0-db39-4626-8c7c-fc355e8e5c46).
We tried to validate the hash at our side using the below method.
string dataString = paynowCallback.reference + paynowCallback.amount + paynowCallback.paynowreference + paynowCallback.pollurl + paynowCallback.status;
string hash SHA512(dataString + IntegrationKey);
hash = hash.ToUpper();
However, the hash we generated was:
While the hash sent by you was:
We are sure we are generating the hash correctly because we have tried the same sample you have on your documentation and we got the same hash.
Our concern is maybe you are sending extra paremeters or sending them in another order.
Sharing the log of this case from your side will help us to find the issue.