Help understand about returUrl and resultUrl


i want to ask. i am trying to use my flutter mobile application for users to pay me using ecocash using paynow: ^4.0.1 plugin. so i don’t understand the the resultUrl and returnUrl. how do i generate those or i have to create a website which will be linked with paynow for that or there is a platform which is linked with paynow that generates those.

Paynow(integrationId: '', integrationKey: '', resultUrl: '', returnUrl :'');


Hi good day

here is an overview of how Paynow request flow works.

How Paynow Works - Request flow

This is the communication that goes on between Paynow and merchant during a transaction.

1. You Send a Request to Paynow

  • You send a request to Paynow to initiate a transaction.
  • The request contains payment information like amount and validation details.

2. Paynow Responds:

  • Upon receiving the request, if the details are correct, Paynow responds with status=ok, hash=generated_hash,browserurl, pollurll

3. You process the response

  • You need to verify the hash using the method as shown below, Once you verify the hash, you need to store the pollurl and then redirect your user to browserurl , where they will attempt to make payment.

4. On Paynow secure payment page:

  • The user completes the payment on Paynow’s secure website.
  • Once they have paid or cancelled, they are redirected to your site’s returnurl you sent on the initiate transaction body.
  • Paynow sends a payment status details to your site’s resulturl which is an endpoint you set in your server that waits for a status from Paynow.

5. On Result URL (Your server):

  • You receive data from Paynow as shown on status Update Page.
  • Validate the hash and store/ update the data in your database.
  • You also use pollurl to verify the data before updating your database.

6. On Return URL (Your server):

  • User is taken to this url after they have completed the transaction on Paynow.
  • On this page you have to check for Payment status show relevant information to the user.