Invalid Hash When Initiating a RemoteTransaction


@Harvey thanks for your contributions.l have been following the discussion after encountering the same issue.Unfortunately l m stuck here now ,l am not figuring out how to use the information on the link you shared.


@Byro this is a good place to start. Have you used Postman before ?

Initiate A Transaction [ Error ]

@Harvey Yes i have been using it for a while now


@Byro are you facing challenges with the Postman instructions i posted above?


@Harvey Yes l am sure


@Byro where exactly? How far did you manage to get?


@Harvey I got to the stage of importing postman collection.Looks like l not figuring out how.

Getting a HashMismatchException

the link expired, can u please reshare


Good Day @Harvey I hope you’re well. I’m kindly seeking your assistance with the error : “status=Error&error=Invalid+Hash.++Hash+should+start+with%3a+6CB30F” when attempting to make a test mobile express transaction in Postman. I’ve tried all your suggestions up until this point but the error persists. The link to your collection has expired . Please may you kindly assist with a new one or further guidance on the resolution .
