Paynow currency



I’m a novice to wordpress and just installed the paynow plugin. On the shop currency section, Woocommerce does not list Zimbabwe under the countries currency list, and the Paynow plugin when I go to set it up requires USD to be shop currency. How do I get around this since we no longer recognise USD as legit currency, and the country is not there?

Please Help


Hi @Trish , The currency may show as USD but when a transaction is initiated the value is in ZWL. When the the first version of the app was released ZWL as a currency code did not exist. We hope to address that in an upcoming update

loacal currency settings

Hello @Harvey. Thank you for responding.

A number of your clients have deactivated their stores because of this. Part of the challenge now is in showing both ZWL and USD values in the shop. There are some customers who would rather pay in USD cash and we would like to show that value too. Is there a multi currency system we can set up that can show both ZWL and USD?


@Trish The plugin does not currently support multi-currency. As i mentioned earlier we are aware and will fix these issues in an upcoming update. For now there are two ways to get around this, find a developer to modify our plugin so it handles multi-currency (our code is open source) or host two sites one for ZWL and another for USD.


When is the multi currency functionality coming?