Paynow express checkout error


Iam getting this response of which I set the correct id , where I am I wrong can someone tell me , I have double checked

map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(“phone”, “0781657314”);
map.put(“method”, “ecocash”);
map.put(“id”, “19518”);
map.put(“amount”, “500”);
map.put(“reference”, “”);
map.put(“returnurl”, “”);
map.put(“resulturl”, “”);
map.put(“hash”, “”);
map.put(“status”, “message”);
re.setParams(map, RequestNetworkController.REQUEST_BODY);
re.startRequestNetwork(RequestNetworkController.POST, “”, “”, _re_request_listener);

Paynow express checkout error , but my id is correct, where I am I wrong , I am using Java