Paynow intergration


Please kindly assist, I managed to generate and configure the integration keys on my store. However when i try to pay it is not redirecting to paynow for payments.


I am experiencing the same issue.


Paynow for Wocommerce addon has been update to address these issues please install latest version from here


Hie Elphas,

We did update to the latest plugin attached above, however, there hasnt been any change.


what error are you getting?



Instead of the site showing the transanction as Success as we are in the testing mode, its only ending at Pay for order. For expediency, i have attached the link showing our journey herewith:


Make sure if your integration is in test mode you are using test numbers



My intergration is in test mode.


Make sure if you pick Paynow you use the same email you are registered with on Paynow as contact email and Paynow email if you are doing express transactions please use details as in Test mode