Paynow randomizing or accumulating amout when payment is canceled


I have a problem, I’m using paynow api and it randomizing amount when paying throung card or ecocash. It also accumulate amount when the payment is canceled.


Good day kindly provide the following details.

The error in detail
The Paynow SDK you are using(if any).


Having the same issue. I have a system that runs polling. A client has to pay through selection of a plan. In the plan I select the cost through the plan that is selected as a total. The challenge is when a pop up comes sometimes it remembers the cancelled transactions for that ecocash account. Sometimes the ecocash pop ups come with randomized values. For Instance I just selected a US$1 plan for send_mobile and I am getting US$46 in the pop up. We have reported this issue before and there has been no solution


Good day kindly provide the following details.

The error in detail
The Paynow SDK you are using(if any).


Python sdk … …


hie good day

i am facing the same problem and i used the python sdk


Hi Cyna

Kindly describe the problem in detail with an example.


i have a airtime and zesa so when the users cancel the payment and another user tries as well with a different number and also a different network provider, it accumulates to the next inquirer’s amount, for instance ( user A using econet does a $5 transaction and cancels, then user B using netone does a $3 transaction, the amount will be $8 instead of $3)… i am using python SDK.


it also does that when the payment is successful


@lusani , @menzi
Please note that issue has been resolved on the SDK. Kindly update the SDK by running the command below

 pip install paynow --upgrade