Paynow Woocommerce Pending Payment Issue


I am using the latest Paynow Plugin for Woocommerce on my Wordpress site, Version 1.3.3. The API is now live. When a user checks out, they are redirected to Paynow to make a payment. However whatever happens at Paynow, the order status in Woocommerce is always set to Pending Payment. Meaning

  1. If a user makes a successful payment at Paynow, the are redirected back to my website, and see the message : ORDER RECEIVED Thank you. Your order has been received. However in Woocommerce the order status remains Pending Payment. It should not be like that because the payment is not pending. I sell digital products, so the status should be Complete. If that status does not work for physical products, then better the status be changed to Processing. Not Pending Payment. Pending Payment is a wrong status in this scenario because the payment has already been made.

  2. If a user presses the Cancel Payment button at Paynow without making a payment, the results are exactly as in Scenario 1 above. It doesn’t make much sense to get the same Pending Payment status whether one makes the payment or not.

I have also seen a thread on this forum where a user posted a similar problem, meaning this is not limited to my website only. Other Woocommerce payments plugins like Paypal are correctly setting the order status to Complete after payment on my website.

Kindly assist


Good day

Kindly share your website URL


Please update your permalink settings by navigating to “Settings” and then “Permalinks” to select a anything other than the default option for your website’s URL structure


Thanks for the response. Unfortunately for Wordpress, once you change Permalink, it automatically changes permalinks of all past posts, and this will mess up our SEO since we have thousands of published posts (Of course we can set up redirects, but it will still be messy). Also the permalink we are using %postname% (https://websitename/post-name/) is the most recommended one for SEO purposes and it’s user friendly.

Let me know if there is another workaround.


That format is actually correct. let me check if I am missing something