I want to setup my payment form to automatically redirect my clients to my app after successful payment
Redirection setup
Hi good day
here is an overview of how Paynow request flow works.
How Paynow Works - Request flow
This is the communication that goes on between Paynow and merchant during a transaction.
1. You Send a Request to Paynow
- You send a request to Paynow to initiate a transaction.
- The request contains payment information like amount and validation details.
2. Paynow Responds:
- Upon receiving the request, if the details are correct, Paynow responds with status=ok, hash=generated_hash,browserurl, pollurll
3. You process the response
- You need to verify the hash using the method as shown below, Once you verify the hash, you need to store the pollurl and then redirect your user to browserurl , where they will attempt to make payment.
4. On Paynow secure payment page:
- The user completes the payment on Paynow’s secure website.
- Once they have paid or cancelled, they are redirected to your site’s returnurl you sent on the initiate transaction body.
- Paynow sends a payment status details to your site’s resulturl which is an endpoint you set in your server that waits for a status from Paynow.
5. On Result URL (Your server):
- You receive data from Paynow as shown on status Update Page.
- Validate the hash and store/ update the data in your database.
- You also use pollurl to verify the data before updating your database.
6. On Return URL (Your server):
- User is taken to this url after they have completed the transaction on Paynow.
- On this page you have to check for Payment status show relevant information to the user.