
Is there anyone familiar with WHMCS and Paynow integration?


Download the module here

Follow these instructions to add the module


Thanks for the Nyasha, worked like a charm.

However am getting an error message when I try to process a payment.

Kind find the attached screenshot.



hie vintz. Did you manage to successfully implement WHMCS ?

if yes. how did you manage to keep it running. Mine only runs 5 times and then stops


Hi Farie,

Am still struggling with Paynow integration. Am getting the same error message as yours. As if that is not enough, few payments am testing the system with are not reaching my bank for some reasons. I have tried following up on those issues and I was moved from one office to another. Honest in this day and age waiting for an RTGS payment for over two weeks in tantamount to killing our small business. The Paynow system is mired with challenges and lots of imperfections.