Integration issues


I tried to integrate payment link to my sites.
for now to make tests I uploaded library and added keys.
but I get nothing no error nothing.
please help


Hi @365bet

You should share code examples, details about the library you uploaded, how you integrated against the library etc. in order for others to be able to assist.

but I get nothing no error nothing.

Regarding the above, how are you testing your application in order to achieve this result?


before I was able to generate payment link but now I get error
please check screenshot


You’d never have been able to initiate a transaction in the way shared in the screenshot because:

  1. You’ve used a POST verb which is correct, but you have specified your request values in your query string parameters
  2. Paynow expects the request values to be posted in the HTTP request body using application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding

When submitting a POST request, the form encoding type determines how the data is encoded and transmitted to the server.

Using Postman, you’d need to select “Body” and “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” encoding and then specify your request values there (example below)
