About the SDKs category [SDKs] (1)
Flask paynow integration [Python SDK] (1)
The specified ID does not have any ACTIVE EcoCash payment method [NodeJS SDK] (1)
I have checked the checkboxes on my paynow dashboard to accept ecocash payment but im seeing that error [Python SDK] (2)
Invalid Hash error message [PHP SDK] (3)
Unable to make payment using c# SDK [C#/.NET SDK] (2)
Paynow cant execute results URL page , after payment is done [PHP SDK] (13)
Error Hashes not matching. Testing [NodeJS SDK] (8)
USD ecocash mobile payment failing in live mode [PHP SDK] (6)
VISA Integration PHP [PHP SDK] (3)
No response received to the resulturl [C#/.NET SDK] (7)
Please fix hash mismatch error [NodeJS SDK] (6)
Unable to receive API keys to my email [PHP SDK] (3)
Whats the URL Endpoint to test payments on Postman [PHP SDK] (2)
Integration issues [PHP SDK] (4)
Node sdk development issue [NodeJS SDK] (4)
Payment Error on frontend but success message on email [PHP SDK] (5)
Cannot accept the payment at this time [C#/.NET SDK] (2)
Outdated node modules for the SDK [NodeJS SDK] (2)
Paynow php issues [PHP SDK] (1)
Paynow randomizing the total figure on payments [Python SDK] (5)
Payment denied message [NodeJS SDK] (2)
Django and Paynow integration (Help we are failing to get such integration) [Python SDK] (2)
General Discussion - Python Integration [Python SDK] (13)

This is for general discussions around integrating Paynow into your Python applications

Invalid+Hash.++Hash in flutter [SDKs] (2)
Mobile Money Payments Express endpoint not waiting for pin [NodeJS SDK] (3)
Hi im using the python sdk and im having this error paynow.model.InitResponse object at 0x000001E653AD7BB0 [SDKs] (8)
How do i integrate my paynow to my django proj and how will payments form look like in html [Python SDK] (2)
ReturnUrl & ResultUrl Not Working [C#/.NET SDK] (16)
General Discussion - C# / .NET Integration [C#/.NET SDK] (7)

This is for general discussions around integrating Paynow into your C# / .NET applications