Hi, We do integration using the SDK C#.net and follow the below link.
C# / .NET Quickstart Guide · Paynow Developer Hub
We assigned the resulturl but no response received to that url.
Can anyone help me on this case?
No response received to the resulturl
Good day @suresh.
Kindly try to send a request to your resulturl and check if it returns a 200 success.
Make sure you resulturl returns a 200 success for you to receive transaction update from paynow
Your resulturl
needs to be accessible by Paynow’s servers, so if the URL you supply there is private / firewalled / not publicly accessible, then you wont get a notification from Paynow on it.
If you’re not sure its accessible or not, you can use a free tool like https://geopeeker.com/ to check
Hi James,
Thanks for your reply. We checked on our firewall rules and its not blocking the request.
And we verified our endpoint https://dev.api.wowpay.io/paynow/result/KDP000076/d1428b0b-a498-4c1d-bf90-becbd1816f7f with https://geopeeker.com/ it gives the result invalid request because no data posted. And we simulated with “reference=KDP000076&paynowreference=19273636&amount=100.00&status=Paid&pollurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.paynow.co.zw%2fInterface%2fCheckPayment%2f%3fguid%3debaa7a3c-3607-4423-b60c-dc3921fe5392&hash=3E40FC0707DB99A7E8D7A0256741D954F7BC332FA74E675E2AA26B7E0469B89770E020714FD148FBABE21993EFC93CC91F8B6D0607C235042C115B321C5F5A0D” we can see 200 OK.
Hi James,
Could you please share the data posted to that url from your side? So that we can simulate using the same response and check.
Hi @tanakamawere please make sure your resultUrl is accesible publicly and also make sure it returns a 200 success