General Discussion - C# / .NET Integration (7)

This is for general discussions around integrating Paynow into your C# / .NET applications

About the C#/.NET SDK category (1)
Unable to make payment using c# SDK (2)
No response received to the resulturl (7)
Cannot accept the payment at this time (2)
ReturnUrl & ResultUrl Not Working (16)
Error on Express Checkout (4)
Package 'Paynow 1.0.3' was restored using '.NETFramework xxx instead of project target framework net6.0 (1)
Connection to Paynow failed (2)
CheckTransactionStatus (1)
Internet/mobile banking (2)
Result Url not get called by paynow after payment successfull (11)
Format of redirecturl response (1)
.Net Core Integration (10)