SDKs   Python SDK

General Discussion - Python Integration (13)

This is for general discussions around integrating Paynow into your Python applications

About the Python SDK category (1)
Flask paynow integration (1)
I have checked the checkboxes on my paynow dashboard to accept ecocash payment but im seeing that error (2)
Paynow randomizing the total figure on payments (5)
Django and Paynow integration (Help we are failing to get such integration) (2)
How do i integrate my paynow to my django proj and how will payments form look like in html (2)
Where do I find the keys for my project (1)
Paynow Python Error (2)
How do i intergrate a paynow gateway with my django project (2)
My customer's accounts suddenly stopped working (3)
Python Paynow Intergration (12)
Differentiating between USD & RTGS (2)
Api endpoints seem to be inactive (5)
No route to host python error (6)
Test mode for mobile payments returning error (1)
Transaction Lifecycle API (4)
Sending mobile payments request (20)
Python Wrong Amount (2)
I cant find link to create integration keys thats working (2)
Send mobile amount incorrect (9)
Python Django SDK (1)
Paynow not redirecting after successful payment (7)
Paynow amount variations (20)
Getting Started with Paynow Python SDK (3)
Python SDK challenge (8)
Intergration with python. PollUrl status (2)
Redirecting User after payment (3)
Button Generator API (1)
Cannot import name 'Paynow' (13)