General Discussion - NodeJS Integration (4)

This is for general discussions around integrating Paynow into your NodeJS applications

About the NodeJS SDK category (1)
"Created" status in Test Mode (7)
Email required on Nodejs mobile transaction payload (8)
Result url is not being called on my payment update (2)
Request Dependency too old on Node Js Package (1)
Payout Service in paynow (1)
Error Hashes not matching. Testing (7)
NodeJS mobile payment status tracking (1)
NodeJS SDK Mantainance (3)
Where do I add the card and cvv number for usd payments only (2)
Empty Result URL (3)
An error occured while initiating transaction Error: Hashes do not match! on live site (5)
Request to be set live (1)
Hashes do not match on live account (2)
An error occured while initiating transaction Error: Hashes do not match! (9)
How can i get my ecocash balance on my account (1)
An error occured while initiating transaction Error: Hashes do not match! at Paynow.parse ( 2 ) (37)
Result URL Payment Results (10)
Node CORS error (2)
React Js dev Paynow intergtaion (3)
TypeError: status.paid is not a function (2)
Paynow Fixed SDK (1)
NodeJS Interview Questions and Answers one must read before Interview (1)
Paynow Node SDK Feature Request : Typescript Project Support (1)
Paynow integration with React Native (3)
2020: An error occured while initiating transaction Error: Hashes do not match! (4)
Minimum charge when using the SDK (4)
Mobile Tranasctions (4)
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined (3)