I have created an express mobile money payment, for which I want it to wait for the user to enter their PIN and then update my database accordingly. Unfortunately, it is failing to wait for the user to enter their PIN and just returning a response. i have used
const response = await paynow.initMobile(payment, phone, paymentMethod.toLowerCase() );
Can you help me. the response I am getting is
“status”: “ok”,
“success”: true,
“hasRedirect”: false,
“isInnbucks”: false,
“pollUrl”: “https://www.paynow.co.zw/Interface/CheckPayment/?guid=ab2a0c8e-8590-4da5-8477-da6f3f83d9ce”,
“instructions”: “Dial 1512*4# and enter your EcoCash PIN. Once you have authorized the payment via your handset, please click Check For Payment below to conclude this transaction”