Paynow cant execute results URL page , after payment is done


Its showing no error message . Im using php api .

$results_url = domain . “/paynow/application.php?terminal=paynow”;

even if I put error message in that page , paynow cant execute and lm looking at the error log , there is nothing meaning paynow is not executing that page at all.

I have ssl in place and my results url page looks good. What can I be missing.


$results_url = domain . “/paynow/application.php?terminal=paynow”;

$return_url = domain . “/web/confirm-account.php”;

file_put_contents(“dddd.txt”, $results_url);

$paynow = new Paynow\Payments\Paynow(






$results = $paynow->processStatusUpdate();

$reference = $results->reference();

$paynowReference = $results->paynowReference();

$amount = $results->amount();

$status = $results->status();

$payment_method_id = 3;

file_put_contents(“xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.txt”, “EWUDUNEWJNJENWJCNEJNCJENJCNJERN”);


Good day Peter,

From the code you sent to support kindly note that its $response->success(); and kindly echo $response->data(); and send the error from paynow.


I still have the same issue , also $response->success; is returning 1 , and $response->data() is returning an array , meaning its still OK to say
$response = $paynow->send($payment);
print “Cant connect to paynow”;
$link = $response->redirectUrl();

we are indeed redirected to that link , which is paynow , I can successfully make a test payment , but PAYNOW in the background is failing to EXECUTE my $results URL page.

I can deliberately make errors on that page and expect an error in the logs , but there is nothing , Paynow cant execute my $results page . Thus the issue .


Good day Peter

Make sure your result url is live and accessible not a localhost url, for refference kindly share your result url.


The URL is LIVE , and this exact code was working before , we have another system that is live , and its doing the same thing. I also updated the paynow library via a download and composer and still same error .

$results_url = “


Hi Peter can you send latest transaction paynow refference. If you don’t have kindly create one and send the paynow refference.


latest transaction paynow refference



All of a sudden Im seeing the error log, meaning you manually pushed things from your end. The error log was talking about an error in the paynow library, Unfortunately I thought its now working and I deleted the error log and I restored an old library that l knew worked before.

Now Im testing nothing happened. results url did not execute again. No error message and I have put file_put_contents() , so a file can be created to showcase that code executed , but nothing from my end.



latest transaction paynow refference

$results_url = “


Please note that your result url returns a 500 error showing this. <script> createCookie(‘color’,‘rgba(0, 255, 0,1)’,30); </script><script> createCookie(‘button_color’,‘rgba(39, 131, 34,1)’,30); </script> kindly make sure your result url. You can test it via postman


How do I go about testing via paynow , I cant find any documentaton with the paynow post url and body via POSTMAN


Test your result url just try to post any dummy data to you result url on postman. Your return url is return a 500 error


Hello there peter,are you having the same issue with your paynow intergration sdk,