Mobile SDK with Flutter not providing testing environment


Express Checkout Transactions (Custom UI in mobile) (Test Mode)

  1. Ecocash
    Used Phone numbers:
    – For Success – 0771111111
    – For Delayed Success – 0772222222

{redirect: null, hasRedirect: false, pollUrl: , error: the+specified+id+does+not+have+any+active+ecocash+payment+method, success: true, hash: null, instructions: null}

  1. OneMoney
    Used Phone numbers:
    – Success – 0771111111
    – Delayed Success – 0772222222

{redirect: null, hasRedirect: false, pollUrl: , error: the+integration+id+specified+is+currently+in+test+mode.+the+authemail+used+must+belong+to+the+company+in+control+of+the+integration+id., success: true, hash: null, instructions: null}

We also tried to do payment through Webview, but as of PHP web view runs with the Testing environment, it required a logged-in tab, where it doesn’t feasibie on mobile. Please suggest below:

  1. How to run the Flutter SDK with a testing environment?
  2. Same like PHP SDK, why it does not provide an option for the other two Wallets?
  3. Why PayNow Flutter SDK does not provide inbuild UI for Payment like other Payment Gateway for Mobile?


Responding just to your error messages and not the SDK specific ones

For this error
error: the+specified+id+does+not+have+any+active+ecocash+payment+method, success: true, hash: null, instructions: null}

-Go to your integration and make sure Ecocash option is ticked

For this error

-Make sure you are using the email address that was used to open the Paynow account as the authemail