Receive status update


Greetings may i get a simple code example to receive the payment status update in the resulturl. How may i properly modify the code below to successfully receive the $_POST values from paynow.


require_once '../autoloader.php';

 * Just a small dummy logger. Remove in production
 * @param StatusResponse $status
 * @return void
function dummy_logger($status) {

$str =  sprintf("Recieved updated from Paynow --> Payment Status: %s || ", $status->status());

$str .= sprintf("Transaction ID: %s || ", $status->reference());
$str .= sprintf("Paynow Reference: %s \n\n", $status->paynowReference());

file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/status.logs', $str);


$paynow = new Paynow\Payments\Paynow(

$status = $paynow->processStatusUpdate();

// Check if the transaction was paid
if($status->paid()) {

// Update transaction in DB maybe? 
$reference =  $status->reference();

// Get the reference of the Payment in paynow
$paynowReference = $status->paynowReference();

// Log out the data