What is return url after successful payment


what is the response url after successful payment in php sdk
please provide return url.



The return URL and the result URL are provided by you when making the payment request to Paynow. The result URL must be publicly available so that Paynow can call the URL over the internet. The return URL can be any URL you like since it is a browser redirect, private/local URLs like localhost:8080 will work just fine.

So basically these URLs are URLs in your app, the result URL will be called when the payment is completed, and you can use that to update your database, and the return URL will be where the user is redirected to after completing payment on the Paynow website, so you can set this to be a page where your user can be shown the status of the transaction in the app.


hi does the return url has to be on the same domain as the application redirecting the user to paynow for the payment, also the result url what object should it accept?