Paynow Node SDK Feature Request : Typescript Project Support


Hi there, I write MyEAN Stack Web applications entirely in Typescript and recently tried importing your node module (paynow v1.0.9) into my project but I got errors indicating that type declarations were missing from your module.

Upon inspecting your module, I noticed that it was written in Typescript but you were simply not emitting type declarations during the build process of your module using tsc. So, I visited your module’s repository on GitHub, made a pull request and made the necessary changes that would make it possible for your module to be importable in a project written entirely in typescript. I detailed all the steps I took to arrive at the solution so that you may reproduce the solution if you feel that you don’t want to merge my pull request (for security reasons). Here is a link to the pull request :

I would however greatly appreciate it if you integrate the feature I detailed in the pull request so that I’m not forced to manually write Type Declarations of your module in order to deploy my apps on Google App Engine or Heroku. When I deploy my Apps to these engines, they re-download their own copies from NPM and execute their own build processes in order to roll out the production version of my apps. So, these SAAS engines are simply going to download a copy of your module from NPM and any changes I make to your module on my local machine will not be transferrable to the production environment. Thank you very much for your time and patience in reading this long request, take care.